I found the Big Song seven inch along with their second and third seven inches at some thrift/consignment shop in Minneapolis for $2 each. Someone had traded in a fantastic music collection and I was the very lucky beneficiary. This is one of the songs off of their very hard to find first 7″.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/20051110/BH-BigSong.mp3|titles=Big Song |artists=Blonde Rehead]

Download: Blonde Redhead – Big Song


  1. do you have the other song for download called Amescream? I have been looking foor this song for years, can you please send it to me?


  2. Nice, i’ve been trying to locate this exact 7″
    I don’t know where to look. I’ve located vague/jet star 7″ and just purchased it…

  3. i look every where for that record so far with no luck. i am going crazy to hear it, thank you so much for big song, i would be forever in your debt if maybe you could share the other song Amescream with me. i am also very interested in hearing a song called inside you from a split 7inch with sammy, i dont suppose that is one of the other singles you found? at any rate thanks again for solving half of my blonde redhead dilemma.

  4. Hey man!
    please would you put the download for the other song (blonde redheads’ “Big song”)sooner because we have fire in the butt !WE CAN’T WAIT!

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