Earwig’s 12″s and cds are next to impossible to find, so I was thrilled when I came across a guy in England who had live recordings. Earwig (not to be confused of the indie rock band from the mid-west) released their first record on the fantastic La-Di-Da label in 1991 and two of the three members eventually went on to form the 4AD band Insides. This song comes from Earwig’s December 5th, 1991 show at Kortenburg Navy, Belgium. The recording quality is pretty poor, but I’m still grateful to have come across the recording.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/20051123/Earwig-WeCouldBeSisters.mp3|titles=We Could Be Sisters (Live)|artists=Earwig]

Download: Earwig – We Could Be Sisters (Live)

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