[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20060526/SleaterKinney-UnknownTrack.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20060526/20060526.jpg 426 320]

Sleater-Kinney – Unknown Track (Live Video)
No Life Records
Los Angeles, CA

I’m sure that there’s a Sleater-Kinney fan out there that can tell me the name of this track. I don’t recognize it from any of their records, perhaps from one of their 7″s.

Update: Thanks to Adam, S-K fan extraordinaire, I now have the name of the song. Thanks!

Download: Sleater Kinney – Why Ask Why (Live Video)


  1. I should post more often to thank you for the great stuff you’re uploading! That’s very cool to hear-watch stuff that you don’t really see on other blogs.
    I really enjoyed that video. Where the hell did you get that from? That’s kind of funny because my girlfriend attended to that show. Too bad you can’t see the audience in the video! If you have more, you HAVE TO post it.
    By any chance, do you have any more unwound videos?
    Anyway, thanks again and sorry for my bad english.

  2. i love this blog! looking through some of these posts has actually brought back a lot of great memories for me (your e.s.l., peechees and kicking giant posts for example). it’s sad that no life is no more. i think the s-k song is either ‘you ain’t it’ or ‘write me back fucker’–i haven’t listened to either song in a long time, though, so forgive me if i’m mistaken. thanks!

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