After a week in NYC, I’m going through detox back here in LA. I had a great time and saw a lot of great shows. Here’s the wrap-up. Tuesday night started off with Miho Hatori at The Living Room, after standing in line for about 2 hours, she was going on and we still hadn’t gotten in, so with a little a little trickery I managed to slip by the person at the door in time to catch her great set. After that, we walked over to see Teeth of the Hydra, but they were already playing and we didn’t want to pay $15 for a couple of songs, so we left and went drinking instead.

Wednesday started early at the Tee Pee records showcase where I saw two bands with ex-members of Three Studies of a Crucifixion as well as Harriet The Spy. Columbus’ Dead Sea and Teeth of the Hydra filled the afternoon with serious metal mayhem. I bolted from that show a little early to meet up with friends to see The Knife at Webster Hall. We got there just as they were going on. It was a great show, but the sound was way too quiet. For a strictly electronic band, it should have been so loud that my skull was about to shatter, but it was quiet enough to have a normal conversation which was really disappointing. After that show, it was off to Fontanas in Chinatown for what I think was the Lookout Records showcase. We caught Swearing At Motorists, who I didn’t think were that hot. Then it was The Oranges Band who were very, very good, but I was also very, very inebriated, so I’m not going to give them my full faith and backing quite yet. I hope to see them again soon.

Thursday was going to start with a bang, but the only bang to be had was the headache from my hangover. I got myself together enough to make it over to the Puma Store to catch locals The Silversun Pickups at 4:00. After that, we had heard about a show at White Rabbit so we headed down there and caught a semi-acoustic Apples In Stereo set. Then it was on to Webster Hall again for Hot Chip. Unfortunately, we got there early enough to see Gang Gang Dance, who was flat out horrible. After Hot Chip, we tried to see Darker My Love and Silversun Pickups at Pianos, but it was sold out, so we walked over to The Slipper Room and caught a very drunk Greg Garing hosting a variety evening.

Friday I decided to spend the afternoon at MOCA instead of going to shows. I left just in time to make it to Sin-e to catch the last three songs of Miho Hatori’s set, which was just as good and just as crowded as the Living Room show. I met up with friends and killed some time until the GSL/Cold Sweat showcase to see Anavan, who put on one of the best shows I’ve seen them play. Earlier in the day, I met up with a friend who plays in The Hold Steady and he told me they were playing later at the Annex, so we headed over there and got there just as they were taking the stage. After that, it was drinking and debauchery.

Saturday, I missed the Tokyo Police Club afternoon show and the evening shows were a bust, so I skipped all of them.

Hopefully, I’ll get a couple of recordings up from the aforementioned shows soon.

MP3s and videos will start again tomorrow.

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