This is another request. When this song was originally released on the Old Glory “All The Presidents Men” compilation, it didn’t have a title. Recently, the song was released on the Hose. Got. Cable “Discography 1992-1995” CD and had the title of “Proof Without Mark.” From what I’ve read, Hose. Got. Cable had a huge influence on a lot of Virginia bands, including Frodus and 400 Years. I’m not sure if they ever toured, but unfortunately I never had the chance to see them live.
[audio:|titles=Proof Without Mark |artists=Hose. Got. Cable]
Download: Hose. Got. Cable – Proof Without Mark


  1. They did in fact tour. I remember seeing them at 67 Handy St. in New Brunswick, NJ either in the fall of ’94 (most likely) or spring of ’95. I remember Mike Simonetti (Troubleman, Italians Do It Better, etc.) really getting into them at that show, though personally they didn’t do much for me at the time.

  2. just got the cd – and its great. have all the vinyls and waited a long time for something like this!
    the majesty 12″ is still one of the most underrated early 90’s records!

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