[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20061205/SK-UnknownTrack.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20061205/20061205.jpg 426 320]
Swing Kids – Disease
Unknown Location and Date
This video was taken from the “Sweet Lil’ Baby – Yeah” compilation that was put out by the same person who released the “(video compilation)” video I’ve posted a few clips from in the past. This video includes songs by a bunch of great bands like Elements of Need, The Crownhate Ruin, Universal Order of Armageddon and more. I’m sure more clips will find their way up here in the next couple of weeks.
Update: Thanks to Casey for IDing the track title.
Download: Swing Kids – Disease (Live Video)
this track is ‘disease’. i am really stoked on this collection, btw… as evidenced by the fact that i am commenting on a post from 2006. i am going through page by page – and finding amazing videos and audio on each one. thanks!