[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070315/Unwound-December.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070315/20070315.jpg 426 320]

Unwound – December
Rehearsal Studios
Denton, TX

This was a request. It’s the only footage that I’ve come across of Unwound as a five piece and you can find more of this show on YouTube.

Download: Unwound – December (Live Video)


  1. Oh man, quite possibly the greatest, and most certainly the most overlooked, band of the last 15 years.

    They’ll be one of those bands like the Velvets, maybe.

    Fortunate to see them a half-dozen times – it seemed like one summer (’95?) when I was in high school, they played with the Pee Chees every weekend in San Francisco.

  2. THANK YOU – it’s amazing, I never thought I’d see a live performance of this song. They can go from balls-out to delicate and back again in a millisecond. Genius. I’ve seen a couple other songs from this particular show: Corpse Pose and Scarlette. Does this mean the whole show got recorded? I’d love to see it if you gots it (or anything else by them)! They’re criminally overlooked . . . and Sara Lund is criminally sweet at drums.

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