[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070405/Bauhaus-RosegardenFuneralOfSores.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070405/20070405.jpg 426 320]
Bauhaus – Rosegarden Funeral Of Sores
Punto a Capo
I heard about this video about a year ago, but I could never get the guy who had it to trade with me. Finally I ended up getting a copy via a difference source. Unfortunately, whoever shot it used some really horrible 80’s era effects, so what could have been an amazing show ends up being a visual mess. On top of it all, the song is cut off. But it’s still an amazing piece of footage.
Download: Bauhaus – Rosegarden Funeral Of Sores (Live Video)
God I have missed this song! Thanks.