With The (Cassette)

I picked this cassette up at a His Name Is Alive show in Minneapolis. This was released on Time Stereo in 1994 and is a collection of tape loops brought to you by Warren Defever and friends. I have no idea if those are the correct song breaks, but it’s what sounded “logical” to me.

1. Last Song
2. No Songs (Pt. 1)
3. No Songs (Pt. 2)
4. Quiet
5. Jason Tape (Pt. 1)
6. Jason Tape (Pt. 2)
7. Kill Me
8. Hurry Up
9. Right Now
10. Try To Contact Sun Ra (Pt. 1)
11. Try To Contact Sun Ra (Pt. 2)
12. Try To Contact Sun Ra (Pt. 3)

[audio:|titles=Try to Contact SunRa (Pt. 2)|artists=ESP-Beetles]

Download: ESP-Beetles – With The – 324 MB


  1. Thanks for posting this. I’ve got about 25 of those Time Stereo tapes, and it’s been a long time since I’ve listened to any of them. I’ve got to get around to archiving all of them before they deteriorate. I think my favorite part of this tape is the section you’ve marked “Jason Tape (Pt. 2)”, with the sound of the coins dropping, although that sound is used repeatedly throughout the release.
    Apparently this has been re-released on CDr, which surprised me a bit since I didn’t know that Time Stereo is still a working concern, but here it is:
    Thanks again for this post, and your blog in general.

  2. To tell you the truth, I’m not a big fan of this recording. It certainly is interesting though. And your guess is as good as mine (and probably Warren’s) as to what track names go with what. I didn’t realize Time Stereo was still around either!

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