I wish every morning when I opened my e-mail I was greeted with the same thing that I was this morning: “Upcoming single by The Legends (free MP3 download).” I knew something was coming out this fall, but I forgotten to check the Labrador Records website to see the exact release date. The thing that caught my eye was this line in the newsletter:

The Legends return with the noisiest pop single to ever come out of Sweden.

Hot damn! After a couple quick listens, I can safely say that Johan a.k.a. The Legends achieved what Stephen Merritt tried and failed to do with the last Magnetic Fields record, and that is successfully channel Psychocandy-era Jesus And Mary Chain.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2008/20081002/TheLegends-SecondsAway.mp3|titles=Seconds Away|artists=The Legends]
Download: The Legends – Seconds Away

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