The Sound Of Indie is officially three years old today. Since it’s inception, we have transferred close to 4 terabytes of data, and nearly 10,000,000 page hits. Overall it looks like we get about 4,000 readers a day going through the archives and grabbing old stuff and average about 150 people who grab the new video/audio track every day no matter how shitty the quality. Comments have been going up which I directly attribute to Avalanche and his prolific writing style which is far superior to my own. Interestingly, the most downloaded track has been Duran Duran’s Planet Earth from January 25th 2006 which I’m certainly OK with.
So thanks to all the people who have made requests, posted comments, sent e-mails and contributed stuff that has been posted. It is highly appreciated.
Very Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! This blog is like wine, it’s gets better with age. Congratulations!