Bowery Ballroom
New York City, NY

One of my favorite things about writing for this blog is the reader contributions. Here is a fantastic early Celebration set from NYC. I did a little EQing and broke it up into individual tracks, but the credit for this fantastic recording goes out to TSOI reader, Matt.

1. Intro
2. New Skin
3. China
4. Tonight
5. Foxes
6. Holiday
7. Diamonds
8. Fly the Fly
9. Stars
10. War

Sample: [audio: http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2009/20090914/Celebration-China.mp3|titles=China (Live)|artists=Celebration]

Download: Celebration – New York City – 1/7/06 – 217 MB

One Comment

  1. Wow. This is an early one. I have a recording of The Celebration at Bowery from Nov 07. I will have to get that bad-boy posted at some point.

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