How’s this for shit luck. The Postmarks, who are pretty high up on my “want to see live” list, are playing San Francisco the day I leave LA, then LA the next day I’m in San Francisco. Regardless, I’m really digging their new record “Memoirs at the End of the World” which came out last month. Hopefully someone will record one of their shows. I’m really interested in how they pull off this sound live with just 3 people.
Download: The Postmarks – My Lucky Charm
Actually I saw them in Orlando and there were 5 people in the band. I agree it would be pretty hard with 3 people unless they were Milli Vanilli-ing.
Ahhh, 5 people. Now that makes sense. All their promo shots had 3 and it would have been quite a chore to pull it off.
They actually use a large army of nano-tech musician robots, duh! You can’t see them with the naked eye. How else could you do it?
Sweet sugary pop