[jwplayer config=”CustomPlayer” file=”http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2010/20101007/Party-Of-Helicopters-Pounding-For-Vipers.f4v” plugins=”viral-2″ viral.title = “Party Of Helicopters: Pounding For Vipers” viral.date=”10-07-10″ viral.description=”I saw bands play in a lot of strange places, but I never saw a band play in a boxing/wrestling ring. Party Of Helicopters had that opportunity at this gym in Bakersfield.” viral.author=”The Sound Of Indie” ]

Party Of Helicopters – Pounding For Vipers
Munoz Gym
Bakersfield, CA

I saw bands play in a lot of strange places, but I never saw a band play in a boxing/wrestling ring. Party Of Helicopters had that opportunity at this gym in Bakersfield. From the looks of it, they didn’t bust out any Mexican Wrestling moves from the top rope. Despite that, it still makes for a good clip.

Download: Party Of Helicopters: Pounding For Vipers (Live Video)


  1. Oh, damn! I didn’t even bother to check YouTube to see if this has been posted. Everything from TSOI ends up on YouTube eventually, but usually it’s after we post it!

  2. yeah, I too sometimes upload some of your videos to be able to embed them. but now that your player allows embedding I can finally stop.

    or maybe it’s time you made a channel on youtube ๐Ÿ˜€

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