1 year, 261 posts, 602 GBs of data transferred and 1 cease and desist, The Sound of Indie is still plugging along. The one thing that I didn’t expect was coming across other people who e-mailed me with recordings that I had been searching for. So I want to say thanks to all the people who have shared their recordings with me, and thanks to all the regular readers. To celebrate, I’m posting one of my favorite “Happy Birthday” songs. This was recorded last December when Tender Forever played at The Smell.
P.S., the picture isn’t of Tender Forever.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20061023/TF-HappyBirthday.mp3|titles=Happy Birthday (Live) |artists=Tender Forever]
Download: Tender Forever – Happy Birthday (Live)
Happy birthday! and thanks again for all the great music you’re sharing! I just uploaded a tender forever video over here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xjg71_tender-forever-primavera-sound
Who sent the cease & desist order?
yeah, this website is great. keep up the good work.
just randomly wondering if you had any moss icon concert videos. if you were to put one up here, you would be pretty much the coolest person ever.
Happy (belated) Birthday!