[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070807/AngelHair-YouWereUglyButYouGotCuteAgain.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070807/20070807.jpg 426 320]
Angel Hair – You Were Ugly But You Got Cute Again
Unknown Date/Location
This video comes from the “What’s A Manimal?” video compilation which also includes videos of Current, Weston, Iconoclast, Inkwell and others of varying quality. This Angel Hair clip is one of the better videos I’ve seen of them. Unfortunately there’s no information on dates or locations.
Download: Angel Hair – You Were Ugly But You Got Cute Again (Live Video)
great video!
you think you could upload any of those current and iconoclast videos?