Misc. Stuff Tender Forever – Only The Sounds You Made Generally Monday’s are reserved for a live set, but this week TSOI is trying to clear out our... KevinApr 19, 2010
Misc. Stuff Emily's Sassy Lime – Dippity Do-Nut Next to maybe Kill Rock Stars very first spoken word 7″s, this record by Emily’s Sassy Lime might... KevinMar 4, 20101 Comment on Emily's Sassy Lime – Dippity Do-Nut
Misc. Stuff Seaspin – Reverser I don’t know if it’s because I live in Los Angeles and have over time adopted the universal... KevinFeb 25, 20104 Comments on Seaspin – Reverser
Misc. Stuff daas – Ralsp I’m not a fan of the glitch-hop genre. In fact, I would count the Prefuse 73 concert I... KevinFeb 17, 2010
Misc. Stuff Apteka – Edie Sees Chicago’s Apteka falls squarely in that late 1960s/early 1970s psychedelic rock crossed with 90’s shoegaze sound that reminds... KevinFeb 16, 20101 Comment on Apteka – Edie Sees
Misc. Stuff Post-Punk Junk Film Fest in Los Angeles this February I’m a little late in the game on this one, but starting two weeks ago one of my... KevinFeb 15, 2010Jun 22, 2010
Misc. Stuff The Wagner Logic – Waiting For Snow One of my favorite (now ex-) bands from Los Angeles, ANAVAN, always used to joke they were from... KevinFeb 9, 2010
Misc. Stuff Phantogram – When I'm Small It’s too bad I’m not on the east coast because I would be all over seeing these guys... KevinJan 28, 2010
Misc. Stuff Poplin – Une Débutante Au Jeu The best way I can describe this track from Poplin is Stereolab crossed with a heavy dose of... KevinJan 27, 2010
Misc. Stuff The Diogenes Club – Tie Ourselves Around I know absolutely nothing about this band and there is surprisingly little about them on their label’s page... KevinJan 22, 2010
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